Blue Ox Signature Blend - ships directly from maker
Blue Ox Signature Blend - ships directly from maker
Blue Ox Signature Blend - ships directly from maker
Blue Ox Signature Blend - ships directly from maker

Blue Ox Signature Blend - ships directly from maker

Sale price $15.00

Only -5 remaining in stock!

A coffee as big as its namesake, Blue Ox is a tribute to all the things we love about our home state. The Northwoods lore inspired us to create a medium roast blend that’s as sweet as your secret spot in the woods. From shimmering lakes to jack pine forests, this coffee compliments your everyday commute or your weekend adventure.

Bean Notes

Roast: Medium

Acidity: Mild

Body: Syrupy

Aroma: Orange, Spice, Dark Chocolate

Tasting Notes: Caramel, Graham Cracker, Orange Marmalade


Lee Wallace
M.P.P. ’01 (Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs)
Alumni Association Member

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This item ships directly from the maker and will arrive separately from other items in your order. For this reason, it does not qualify for free shipping.

Fresh coffee means your order will take a few days to ship directly from Peace Coffee's roastery. Please allow 1-3 business days for your coffee to ship. Don’t fret, you’ll get an email update when your box of happiness is on the way!

Interested in a bulk order or need us to ship multiple gifts? Contact us for special pricing: or 612-624-2323.