Teri Lang Patterson: "If I wouldn't eat it, I wouldn't put it on my skin"

Teri Lang Patterson (B.A. '93, University of Minnesota Morris) is the founder of Body Systems Skincare Co. Here's the story behind Teri's company:

Teri Lang Patterson Photo


"We're different and we're fine with that. We hand make skin care products with fresh and healthy ingredients to support and enhance your active lifestyle. We're just like you. We want more for ourselves and our loved ones. We're busy but we still want great skin from even better skin products. Everything we put on our skin is absorbed into the body. So if we're eliminating certain foods from our diet why would we be using those ingredients on our skin?

About Me

I had an issue with well-known skin care products. If this sounds familiar, keep reading.

Back in 2001 I started to experience allergic reactions to the strong fragrances and chemicals used in commercial skin products. I was in search of natural alternatives and was shocked when I couldn't find products that didn't contain toxic ingredients.

It was then that I started researching ingredients and testing out my own products to use.

During this time I became much more interested in physical wellness for a balance lifestyle. As an athlete for most of my life, I wanted to learn more about the internal effects of exercise and how to share this within group fitness classes.

Body Systems Body Brush

If I wouldn't eat it, I wouldn't put it on my skin

Our company name, 'Body Systems' was chosen to symbolize how the body works in balance. By learning how the many systems work together, we can be truly well. When things are in balance, we glow and grow. Same with skin care.

I thought I had it figured out - this balance thing - then, several years ago, stress and lack of sleep left me exhausted. I knew I needed to do more. After a detailed allergy workup, I eliminated all grains, sugar, legumes, nuts and soy from my diet.

Because I felt better, we made the decision to phase out some of these typical allergens from our Body Systems' product line in order to help customers feel better also.

You can be assured that we are gluten and soy free, and completely paraben free, petroleum free, SLS free and sulfate free. Further focusing on what we were exposing to our body from the outside.

Teri Lang Patterson in Maroon and Gold gear

If I wouldn't eat it, I wouldn't put it on my skin. And, that's what we want for you!

I love how good-for-you skin care has evolved these many years later. As we have become more informed, and as life keeps getting busier, I hope that we can be more of a resource of a healthy, active lifestyle for you."

~Teri Lang Patterson
Founder of Body Systems Skincare Co.

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