Pat Duncanson &

Pat Duncanson '83

CEO, CFO, Partner, and Owner
B.A. ’83 (College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences)
Alumni Association Life Member

About Highland Family Farms
For more than 30 years, Highland Family Farms has grown quality grains, vegetables and meat in southern Minnesota. The farm is operated as a professional operation with high regards for advancing the triple bottom line of economic, community, and environmental sustainability.

Visit Highland Family Farms

57746 State Hwy 30
Mapleton, MN 56065


About Pat
A graduate of the College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences, Pat has most of his career as a partner at his 5th generation family farm. He's an avid Gopher fan and his hobbies including winemaking and travel. His favorite U of M memory is the Greek Week Olympics. Pat currently serves on the board of the University of Minnesota Alumni Association.